Drug testing is used in various situations in the workplace: pre-employment screening, post accident testing, routine physical checkups, random drug testing (particularly where safety or security issues are involved), and on occasion as a follow-up to determine whether an employee who has been given a warning has managed to remain drug-free.
Employee polls have shown that the vast majority of employees agree
with drug testing in the workplace if there is appropriate justification
and the test is non-intrusive. Most employees are familiar with the process
of urine testing, and if they are drug users are also familiar with the
methods of beating the tests. Blood sampling is the most unpopular, and
by far the least cost effective method of screening the workforce. You've
guessed it - hair testing is the answer. Not only is it completely clean
and painless, the best testing company has been shown to be almost 100%
accurate in it's results, according to a recent CNN news story.
Legal advise is almost mandatory for any company about to embark on a drug testing program - lawsuits against employers have included invasion of privacy, wrongful dismissal, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, employer negligence, assault and battery, false imprisonment, and discrimination against minorities or people with disabilities. Forewarned is forearmed.