Beare Technology
The Beare Head is a completely new development of the internal combustion engine. 

Termed a six-stroke due to the radical hybridisation of two- and four-stroke technology, the device achieves increased torque and power output, better fuel economy and cleaner burning with reduced emissions, longer service intervals, and considerably reduced tooling costs when compared with a conventional OHC four-stroke design.

Exaggerated claims? Marketing hype? Judge for yourself - we will attempt to give almost complete documentation on-site combined with downloads of various supporting spreadsheets, graphics and animations which in concert will give an excellent overview of the concept. For the knowledgeable mechanic or engineer, it should soon become obvious that our claims are worth further investigation. A CDrom is available.

Alan Cathcart is a scribe well known in motorcycling circles - read what the venerable Sir Alan has to say about the Beare Ducati.

"The capacity for original thought is a mark of genius......" Cathcart Article