Yamaha XJ650 - 750 Models

This list applies to US and British XJ650-750 models for 1980-1984, and the 1985 Maxim X model.
Australian models were un-named (except for the '81-83 750 Seca), 
and often had engine & frame numbers which differed to those listed here.

Model Year(s) Name From Frame No. Countries
XJ650(4KO) 1980-1982 4KO-000101 US/UK
XJ650(11N) 1982-1984 4KO-055101 US/UK
XJ750(11M) 1981-1984 11M-000101 US/UK
XJ650G 1980 Maxim 650 4H7-000101 US/UK
XJ650H 1981 Maxim 650 4H7-100101 US/UK
XJ650J 1982 Maxim 650 5N8-000101 US/UK
XJ750J 1982 Maxim 750 15R-000101 US/UK
XJ700XN 1985 Maxim X 700 JYA1AA US/UK
XJ700XNC (Ca. only) 1985 Maxim X 700 JYA1FJ00 US/UK
XJ650LH 1981 Seca Turbo 650 4W5-000001 US/UK
XJ650RH 1981 Seca 650 5G2-000101 US/UK
XJ650RJ 1982 Seca 650 5V2-000101 US/UK
XJ750RH 1981 Seca 750 5G2-000101 US/UK
XJ750RJ 1982 Seca 750 5G2-100101 US/UK
XJ750RL 1984 45T Aust.
Most images are copyright Yamaha Australia
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